TC-Helicon VoiceLive Play GTX Guitar Vocal Effects and Harmony Pedal Reviews
Home >> Recording >> Harmonizers and Vocal Processors
Average Review: 4
Manufacturer: TC Electronic and TC-Helicon
Price: $349.99
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About the TC-Helicon VoiceLive Play GTX Guitar Vocal Effects and Harmony Pedal
The first ever combination of complete vocal and guitar processing, the TC-Helicon VoiceLive Play GTX takes everything that VoiceLive Play gives to singers and adds award-winning TC Electronic guitar effects and AmpTones. Artist presets offer signature vocal and guitar sounds while full editing ability allows you to define your unique style.
TC-Helicon VoiceLive Play GTX Guitar Vocal Effects and Harmony Pedal Reviews
I cant believe TC helicon put all those features in one box ... at least try it you wont regret it..
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