Fender Mustang Floor Multi-Effects Pedal Reviews
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Average Review: 1
Manufacturer: Fender
Price: $299.99
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About the Fender Mustang Floor Multi-Effects Pedal
Fender introduces its first ever multi-effects unit in the form of the Mustang Floor-a versatile high-performance floor unit that delivers pro-level amp modeling, effects and artist preset sounds in a richly varied wealth of musical styles. And you don't have to be a tech expert to use the Mustang Floor-it's easy to use right out of the box.
Fender Mustang Floor Multi-Effects Pedal Reviews
If you like classic Fender amps then your will love this floor pedal. In my humble opinion, Fender did an excellent job modeling the tone and nuances of these amps. Surprisingly, the non-Fender "Brit" and modern amp models are done just as well. The interface and setup is simple, mainly because you are not inundated with tons of amp models and other effects that you will never use. And the Fuse software is outstanding for building and tweaking tones to your hearts content. The pedal itself seems rugged and well built. Like any modeling pedal, expect to do a fair amount of tweaking to make it sound just right with the gear you intend to play it through. The factory patches are excellent starting points and a lot more usable than what you get from other big-name floor modelers. Honestly I am totally happy with this purchase.
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